Friday, February 11, 2005

Letter to my precious three...

Dear Sarah, Rachel, and Noah:

It has been two years since you graced our life with your brief but beautiful presences. I only wish I could return to those moments of holding you, exploring your beauty and the exquisite details of your little bodies. Those magical moments went far too quickly in a mix of grief, anguish, and pain.

Your father and I have managed to continue living and loving one another. We cherish your names, your memories, and how drastically you changed our lives for the better. In those five months I carried you, you inspired your father and me to be better people. You taught us how to love more deeply, to laugh more heartily, and to hold on to one another when the going gets tough.

When you were gone, our hearts languished in the absence, but we held on to one another and grew. I ached then for your presence just as I do now. However, I sometimes catch glimpses of your beauty in your father's smile and it warms me anew with your scent.

We know that you are together, happily united somewhere in eternity. I know that Noah is holding you all together, keeping track of his mischievous identical twin sisters and loving every minute of it. I know that Sarah is a pillar of strength, keeping you all in search of new adventures. I know that Rachel is a dynamo and always poignant, keeping you all laughing with her impulsiveness and abandon.

Mommy hopes to give you siblings here on earth soon. But, you will always be the essence of my heart. Every smile I enjoy reflects the joy you have brought to me; every tear reflects my desire for what cannot be for you; every breath brings me closer to you three again when we can dance our dance carefree.

Happy Birthday my precious babies. I will love you forever with every fiber of my being...


Anonymous said...

My precious daughter..... that is so beautiful and so sad. Your pain just breaks my heart. It takes me back 34 years ago to when I was so afraid of losing you. You and Roy are blessed to have each other and I know one day God is going to give you that baby you both want so much. I love you!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Sending you all hugs...



Pr. Joy Blaylock said...

Thank you all for sharing in this memorial with me. It is so important to me to cherish them and their memory. I feel privileged to share this journey with you all.

Anonymous said...

I praise God that you know that your eternity will be blessed with dancing amongst your precious triplets. I praise God that He has shown you goodness along with the pain and that you have continued to grow with Him through this heart-wrenching experience of loss. May God bless your journey with all of His richest blessings, ever reminding you that He gives us the desires of our heart when we love Him with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength.

God bless you and your beautiful family. And, happy birthday, Sarah, Rachel and Noah!

Pr. Joy Blaylock said...

Thank you so much, Cat. You are inspiration to many, especially on TC!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via Tertia's 'so close' blog and I just want to say how my heart aches for what you have been through. I could just cry reading about your darling triplets. I am so happy you are now awaiting the birth of your precious son. I have a baby boy born after many years on IVF and he is the absolute light of my life. I am so happy that you too will soon have this joy in your life. All the very best and sending you great big cyber hugs Juliette xxx